Dog Products for Sale in the Salon
I only sell a few great products that I can vouch for.
Beautiful and colourful bows and butterflys for fun occasions.
Designed to easily and safely let you demat. Breaks up the matts by cutting along the strand of hair.
DKK 100-
Flexible Slicker Brush
The brush your dog also loves
DKK 120,-
K9 Conditonerspray
Can be used on a daily basis without rinsing. Spray on coat before brushing. Neutral pleasant scent.
DKK 145,-
K9 Earcleaner
For sensitive ears. Put 4-6 drops on a cottonswab and clean the inside of ear.
DKK 130,-
Excellent Fine/Coarse steel combs for all types of fur. Chrome or Antistatic, 19 cm or 11 cm
DKK 100-
Dogman DKK 75,-
The amazing Millers Forge DKK 150,-
Paw Protection
This is the best on the market for combatting ice, roadsalt and cracked pads.
DKK 100-
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Shampoo and Conditioner
K9 is a swedish mild shampoo and conditioner suited for all hair types as well as sensitive skin. It adds moisture and cuts down on drying time. 300ml.
DKK 145,-
A fine selection of different treats all of pure meat without any additives
DKK 43-
3 units. – DKK 100,-
Zoom Groom Brush
Excellent silicone brush for shorthaired dogs and cats – keeps shedding to a minimum.
DKK 95,-